Terms and conditions of the service

Terms and Conditions

The portal www.drcarlospereira.com (hereinafter the “Portal”) is property of DR. CARLOS PEREIRA . Access, participation and use of the Portal is free and is governed by the terms and conditions included below, which are understood to be known and accepted by the Users of the Portal hereinafter (the “User”).

Acceptance of the terms of use:

Simply accessing the Portal implies the User's total and integral acceptance of the Terms of Use and its updates and the other conditions and regulations defined by DR. CARLOS PEREIRA for use. DR. CARLOS PEREIRA reserves without limitation and in any case, the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, the Terms of Use and the contents of the Portal. Given the binding nature of the Terms of Use, it is the sole responsibility of the User to review the Terms of Use in force at all times.

Terms of use:

Unless expressly stated otherwise, access to the information on the Portal is free and open. Without prejudice to the foregoing, DR. CARLOS PEREIRA in no case guarantees permanent and uninterrupted access to it, or that this access is free of errors or viruses or other harmful agents unrelated to DR. CARLOS PEREIRA.

When the user accesses the site, it will be their responsibility to take the appropriate measures to avoid and/or correct the unwanted effects of said agents.

The User agrees to use the content of this Portal, solely and exclusively, for lawful activities and to use the information made available through it, subject to the Terms of Use.

The information contained in the Portal, in no case, may be used for commercial purposes or purposes. The use of the Portal by the User implies the prohibition to transmit, publish or communicate any type of illegal or prohibited information in the terms defined for this purpose in Colombian legislation. Likewise, the User undertakes not to insert or transfer to the Portal materials that are obscene, misleading, inaccurate, defamatory or that violate the intellectual property rights of the DR. CARLOS PEREIRA or that may adversely affect data, software or the operation of any computer equipment.

The User who enters the Portal does so under his/her own responsibility, which is why DR. CARLOS PEREIRA is not responsible for possible damages caused to the User or to third parties due to access or use of it, for the loss of information or for the impossibility of using it or the information contained in it, circumstances that, in all cases, They will be considered force majeure or fortuitous event.

The Portal will include, at the discretion of DR. CARLOS PEREIRA , linked sites, which are provided simply for information, as a service to Users, the inclusion of these linked sites in the Portal does not imply approval, recommendation or linkage of DR. CARLOS PEREIRA with any of these sites or any association with their operators. In this sense, DR. CARLOS PEREIRA, Under no circumstances will it be responsible for the information and content of the linked sites, nor for their accessibility or permanent or discontinuous availability.

The User agrees not to abuse, threaten or intimidate other Users of the Portal, whether through chat or any other participation space. Your participation will be under your exclusive responsibility and implies the acceptance and knowledge by the User of respecting the Terms and Conditions of the Portal, in such a way that it is understood that it exempts and will hold harmless the DR. CARLOS PEREIRA from any liability arising from its non-compliance.

Ownership of portal content:

This Internet Portal and its content are property of DR. CARLOS PEREIRA . Its total or partial reproduction, translation, inclusion, transmission, storage or access through analog, digital or any other system or technology created or to be created, is prohibited without prior written authorization from the DR. CARLOS PEREIRA .

Intellectual property:

The doctor. CARLOS PEREIRA is the owner of the copyright and intellectual property rights, over the distinctive signs in general, trademarks, service marks and in general, everything that appears on the screen, as well as over the information and material contained in the Portal. , unless otherwise indicated. In furtherance of the above, the User undertakes not to distribute, sell or market, and in general not to make available by any means the information contained in the Portal, in whole or in part, under penalty of incurring responsibilities for violation of the copyright, in accordance with current regulations, unless there is prior written authorization from the DR. CARLOS PEREIRA. The User may make a copy of its content exclusively for non-commercial use as long as all copyright notices are kept intact and the source is cited. In no case should it be understood that acceptance of the Terms of Use of this document grants authorization to use or license the contents of the Portal or its links.


It is the interest of DR. CARLOS PEREIRA the protection of the privacy of the User's personal information obtained through the Portal, committing to adopt a confidentiality policy for the information received from the User.

Personal information is understood to be information provided by the User when contacting us, such as: name and email, telephone numbers, photographs and any audiovisual media.

The User acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done voluntarily and taking into account the characteristics of the Portal and the powers of use by the DR. CARLOS PEREIRA , and with the understanding that such information will be part of a file and/or database that may be used for the purpose of advising you or responding to your concerns. Who registers on the DR page. CARLOS PEREIRA accepts that his data be incorporated into its databases.

The User accepts and knows the risks involved in providing their information over the Internet, and consequently understands and accepts that DR. CARLOS PEREIRA does not assume responsibility for this.

Limitation of liability:

Any damage, loss or harm that the User or third parties may suffer derived from access to the information contained in the Portal as a consequence of the interpretation or misuse of the information or in general for executing any type of operation through the Portal, is assumed by the User and therefore declares DR harmless and free of all liability. CARLOS PEREIRA. Likewise, the User relieves DR of any responsibility. CARLOS PEREIRA for any damage suffered by the hardware and software, or any electronic device through which access to the Portal is achieved. In no case, DR. CARLOS PEREIRA will be responsible for damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, or accidental damages, nor for loss of information or expenses that may arise from the connection to the Portal, from the use made of it, from the impossibility of using the information on the Portal or in general due to any failure in execution, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in transmission or connection, or due to the existence of a virus in the computer or due to failures of the system or on the line, or by its suspension or termination.


All notifications, requirements, requests and other communications that Users need to make in relation to the Terms of Use of this Portal must be made in writing and sent to the email address admin@drcarlospereira.com

Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction:

The policies and conditions of access and use established here and the conflicts that may arise regarding their interpretation, use, scope and termination are governed by Colombian law and are subject to Colombian judges and courts.